Helping women restore their metabolism and balance hormones in a sustainable way

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Are you ready to go from barely surviving to thriving and have the knowledge and personalized support to change your health for good?

I get it because I've been there too...

Let me guess…

  • You have the best intentions to get healthy, but often find yourself sacrificing your own health and well-being to meet the needs of everyone else.
  • You struggle with chronic stress, sugar cravings, poor sleep patterns and low energy and don't even know where to begin to overcome them.
  • You've spent years restricting or not eating consistently, and find that the way you used to eat and exercise in your 20's isn't working for you anymore.
  • You struggle with hormonal issues like diabetes, PMS, PCOS, adrenal fatigue, or low moods and want natural ways to improve them (without spending hundreds of dollars on supplements).
  • You want to look and feel confident in pictures and want your kids to see a healthier version of you.
  • You're looking for accountability and personalized guidance from a nutrition expert who can provide practical strategies for achieving lasting results.

If so, I'm here for you!

Hi, I'm Autumn

A hormone health dietitian, yogi, sourdough lover, and mama to two little ones.

I love helping moms nourish their bodies and restore their metabolism for more energy, better digestion, and balanced hormones (despite all the chaos of motherhood).

My approach is all about helping you get to the root cause of your health struggles and find sustainable ways to overcome them.

Changing your health can feel overwhelming - but it doesn't have to be.

Let me help you keep things simple (without spending hours in the kitchen) and become a healthier version of you!

Learn More About Me

If you’re ready to…  

✔ Get to the root cause of your health struggles and have realistic and sustainable strategies to overcome them

✔ Know how to properly fuel your body consistently (and still eat your favorite foods too!)

✔ Stop feeling like you need to go through the Starbucks drive thru at 2pm to give you energy for the rest of the day

✔ Learn the tools to support your hormones without having to eat differently than your family or do tons of cardio

✔ Conquer your sugar cravings and stop binging or going overboard on the weekends

✔ Have weekly consistency with your health and no longer have to use Monday’s as a “start over” day

✔ Have accountability and one-on-one individualized support and a nutrition expert (that totally gets it!) right at your fingertips

Book a free call with me!

What People Are Saying

  • When I found Autumn little did I know she would change my life! She is so knowledgeable in what it takes to help heal your body, eat healthy (no diet here) and add exercise into your life. I lost over 50 pounds, brought all my lab values down! She is amazing!

  • I loved working with Autumn! She helped me break the diet cycle and build positive habits that led to lifestyle changes. It all seems so overwhelming, but Autumn breaks everything down into simple changes. She gives you all the tools you need and is there to help you along the way. She is a wealth of knowledge!

  • I've had so many positive changes since being part of Autumn's program! I have a much better mindset and relationship with food. I also learned how to fuel and heal my body. My clothes fit better, I have better digestion, I sleep better, and I have less brain fog and anxiety!

  • I was in Autumn's coaching program and learned SO MUCH! I thought I knew what it meant to "eat healthy" but I truly had no idea how to properly fuel my body and how to balance my plate. With Autumn's support, I healed my gut, lost 13 inches, and am 10 pounds down (and counting!). The best part is this is NOT a diet. I know I will see the benefits of working with Autumn for years to come!

  • I loved the weekly accountability of Autumn's program. I also appreciated that every struggle or question I had, she had a solution or answer. I couldn't have been so successful without Autumn's support!


Ready to Get Started?

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Ready for more energy, less sugar cravings, and to lose weight without dieting?

…It all starts with your breakfast!

Get my FREE “10 Protein-Packed Breakfasts Guide” for simple and delicious nourishing breakfasts to start your morning off right!

Grab the FREE Guide HERE